The Huma Gro Product Quality Assurance Process

In this video, we show the scientific steps we take to make sure that all our Huma Gro® liquid products are built according to specifications, are consistent from batch to batch, and are of the highest quality.

Celebrating the Life of Jason Garcia

We lost Jason Garcia this week, his life cut short way too soon.

When Jason joined BHN as an agronomist in 2019, it was apparent early on that we had hired a special guy. Jason was ENTHUSIASTIC! Always. You just couldn’t have a conversation with Jason without hearing a great story about someone in his family, about a good friend or customer in Plant City, Fla., or about something special that had happened in a customer’s field.

Last year we put out an internal Employee Spotlight on Jason, which had this to say: [Read more…]

BHN Launches “The Huma Gro Farmer” Podcast

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), has launched a new podcast series titled The Huma Gro Farmer. The podcast features episodes on how to “grow healthy”—featuring interviews with industry leaders on specific agriculture-related topics, how to use Huma Gro® products for superior results, and best practices for using product combinations for specific crops (early podcast episodes focused on strawberries). [Read more…]

BHN Welcomes Rich Lamar to the Humic Research Team

Richard LamarOn May 1, 2019, Dr. Richard Lamar joined Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) as Senior Director of Humic Research. He brings a tremendous amount of skills, experience, and knowledge of humic substances to BHN.

Dr. Lamar has a B.S. in Biology from the University of Miami, an M.S. in Forestry from Mississippi State University, and a Ph.D. in Forestry from North Carolina State University, with minors in Chemistry, Plant Physiology, and Soils, respectively. Continue reading

BHN obtuvo la autorización para importar fertilizantes en Brasil

Se ha otorgado una licencia de importación ilimitada a Bio Huma Netics, Inc., productor de la línea de protección y nutrición líquida de cultivos orgánicos Huma Gro® y Fertilgold®, para que ingrese fertilizantes a Brasil para su venta comercial.
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BHN Approved to Import Fertilizers to Brazil

Bio Huma Netics, Inc., producer of Huma Gro® and Fertilgold® Organics liquid crop nutrition and protection products, has been granted an unlimited import license to bring fertilizers into Brazil for commercial sale.
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BHN Welcomes Jamie Olivarez to the Huma Gro Sales Team

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), has selected Jamie Olivarez to be California Sales Agronomist for its Huma Gro® product line. Mr. Olivarez will be based in Sacramento, California, and will be responsible for all Huma Gro® sales and technical support for the Northern California area.

Mr. Olivarez has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from California State University, Chico, along with minor degrees in chemistry and biology. He has worked for several years as a field agronomist, and he has 9 previous years’ experience working in both the public and private sector areas of the biosolids field, including as a regulator for the Washington State Department of Ecology.

BHN Executive Vice President of Sales Justin Smith commented, “We are very excited to have Jamie representing Huma Gro® products in Northern California. Having grown up in agriculture in the northern Sacramento Valley, he has an in-depth, personal knowledge of the crops and crop production for that area, and he has an excellent understanding of the growers there and the problems they face. He also demonstrates the personal integrity and professionalism that we value at BHN. With his solid foundation in both agriculture and the sciences, he will be invaluable in helping us launch our new Fertilgold® Organics product line when it becomes available later this summer.”

Mr. Olivarez stated, “Huma Gro® is a great product line that offers sustainable solutions to many common agricultural problems, and representing these products fits right in with my personal and professional objectives. I take great pride in developing and maintaining close relationships with the growers, distributors, and other professionals that I work with and meet. I truly enjoy traveling around the state and helping clients and colleagues solve problems and become more successful.”

The Huma Gro® liquid crop nutrition and protection line includes over 50 products in the categories of Primary Macronutrients, Secondary Macronutrients and Micronutrients, Sustainable Soil Fertility, Optimal Growth Management, Carbon-Rich Organic Acids, and Zero-Residue Crop Protection—all with the ultra-efficient, proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® delivery system that allows growers and crop managers to achieve far more with much less product. There are also 10 granular humic and fulvic acid products in the Huma Gro® Huma Burst® line for restoring and enhancing soil fertility.


Bio Huma Netics obtiene el certificado de Responsible Ag

Las plantas de producción de fertilizantes de Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), fabricante de los productos de protección y nutrición de cultivos Huma Gro® y Fertilgold® Organics, han obtenido el certificado de Responsible Ag.

Responsible Ag es el único programa de la nación que proporciona una evaluación integral voluntaria del cumplimiento de las normas federales por parte de los fabricantes de fertilizantes. El certificado exige que la planta cumpla con criterios basados en normas exigentes, implemente medidas de seguridad líderes de la industria y demuestre que la seguridad de la planta es la mayor prioridad de la empresa.

La organización de certificación Responsible Ag fue fundada en 2014 para promover el bienestar público al ayudar a las agroempresas a cumplir con las normas federales de seguridad, salud y medioambiente en lo que respecta a la manipulación y almacenamiento de fertilizantes. La participación en el programa garantiza a los miembros de la comunidad, empleados y equipos de respuesta ante emergencias que las agroempresas participantes trabajan de manera responsable.

El Presidente y Director Ejecutivo (CEO) de BHN, Lyndon Smith, comentó: “Obtener el certificado de Responsible Ag demuestra a nuestra comunidad y a nuestros clientes que, como fabricantes de fertilizantes, somos extremadamente responsables y seguros. Estamos sumamente orgullosos de nuestros procesos de producción y adoptamos todas las medidas disponibles para demostrar que nuestros productos son uniformes, de alta calidad y se fabrican de manera segura y responsable”. Frank Pidgeon, Director Sénior de Control de Calidad/EHSS, señaló: “La auditoría de Responsible Ag fue sumamente exhaustiva y constituyó un excelente mecanismo para garantizar que cumplimos plenamente con todos los requisitos normativos federales sobre manipulación y seguridad aplicables a fábricas de fertilizantes. Es magnífico que podamos ofrecerle a nuestros empleados y a nuestra comunidad este certificado emitido por un tercero como prueba objetiva de que la seguridad es la mayor prioridad para BHN y de que ponemos en práctica a diario nuestro compromiso con la seguridad”.

Se puede encontrar más información sobre Responsible Ag y su proceso de certificación, e incluso una lista de agroempresas que han obtenido este certificado, en

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Acerca de Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), empresa fundada en 1973 y de propiedad de tres generaciones de familia/empleados, es líder mundial en el suministro de soluciones sustentables para los problemas medioambientales del mundo en las áreas de agricultura (HUMA GRO®, MESA VERDE HUMATES®); horticultura, césped y plantas ornamentales (HUMA GRO® TURF); y remediación de aguas residuales y suelos (PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS®) a través de su exclusiva Tecnología Micro Carbono® en constante evolución y sus líneas de productos en continua expansión.  Obtenga más información en

Bio Huma Netics Achieves Responsible Ag Certification

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), the maker of Huma Gro® and Fertilgold® Organics crop nutrition and protection products, has achieved Responsible Ag certification for its fertilizer manufacturing facilities.

Responsible Ag is the only program in the nation that provides a voluntary comprehensive assessment of a fertilizer manufacturer’s compliance with federal regulations. Certification requires that a facility meet stringent regulatory-based criteria, implement industry-leading safety and security measures, and demonstrate that facility safety is the company’s highest priority.

The Responsible Ag certifying organization was founded in 2014 to promote the public welfare by assisting agribusinesses to comply with federal environmental, health, safety, and security rules regarding the safe handling and storage of fertilizer products. Participation in the program assures community members, employees, and emergency responders that participating agribusinesses are acting responsibly.

BHN President and CEO Lyndon Smith said, “Achieving Responsible Ag certification demonstrates to our community and our customers that we are a very safe and responsible fertilizer manufacturer. We take great pride in our production processes, and we take every step available to demonstrate that our products are consistent, of high quality, and are safely and responsibly produced.” Frank Pidgeon, BHN Senior Director of EHSS/Quality Control, said, “The Responsible Ag audit was very thorough and was an excellent mechanism for ensuring that we were in full compliance with all federal fertilizer manufacturing safety and handling regulatory requirements. It’s great that we can offer this third-party certification to our employees and to our community as objective evidence that safety is BHN’s highest priority and that we put our safety commitment into daily action.”

More information about Responsible Ag and its certification process, including a list of agribusinesses that have been successfully certified, is available at

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About Bio Huma Netics, Inc.

Founded in 1973, Bio Huma Netics, Inc., (BHN) is a three-generation-family/employee-owned company that is a global leader in providing sustainable solutions to the world’s environmental challenges for agriculture (HUMA GRO®, MESA VERDE HUMATES®); horticulture, turf & ornamentals (HUMA GRO® TURF); and soil & wastewater remediation (PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS®) through its proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® and its continuously improving and ever expanding product lines. Learn more at

Se encuentra disponible la última edición del boletín informativo de BHN, The Solution.

Nos encanta escuchar las historias que tienen para contar las personas que utilizan nuestros productos y algunas de ellas las incluimos en esta edición de The Solution. Comenzamos con un informe de Holden Research and Consulting sobre cómo el uso de determinados productos de Huma Gro® en fresas condujo a un rendimiento de la inversión de más de $8.400/hectárea. ¡Increíble! Tan sorprendente como el informe de Plant Sciences que demuestra la eficacia de Promax® en el control de 8 patógenos de la fresas. Evidentemente, Huma Gro® y las fresas tienen una gran afinidad.

En nuestra sección de Probiotic Solutions® informamos sobre un estudio de caso que involucra a un pequeño pueblo de Nuevo México que necesita reducir el fango en la laguna de su sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales para cumplir con los requisitos estatales. Después de utilizar Bio Energizer® por 300 días se redujo el fango al punto de que el pueblo recuperó su capacidad de manejo del caudal entrante y pudo cumplir con los requisitos de la autorización sin dragar.

En la página final compartimos algunos videos de Colombia, América del Sur, de publicaciones de grupos de Huma Gro® en WhatsApp. Cualquier historia que involucre a una mula tiene que ser interesante, y el video que muestra la aplicación foliar manual de Breakout® en el arroz en San Jacinto del Cauca no defrauda.

También anunciamos los catálogos nuevos de Huma Gro® en inglés y en español y actualizamos el catálogo de Huma Gro® Turf, y el lanzamiento de la versión en español de nuestro blog de Huma Gro® en esperamos que este blog sirva para acercar incluso a más personas a las conversaciones sobre Huma Gro®.

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