The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 11—Interview with TFI’s Corey Rosenbusch

In this wide-ranging  interview at BHN headquarters, BHN President & CEO Lyndon Smith and The Fertilizer Institute’s (TFI’s) President & CEO Corey Rosenbusch discuss TFI’s mission and vision, TFI member benefits, and challenges facing the fertilizer industry. Topics include TFI legislative and regulatory activities, the 4R Nutrient Stewardship initiative, the Responsible Ag program, new activities with the Biostimulant Coalition, the TFI Sustainability Committee, the TFI State of the Fertilizer Industry Report, and upcoming TFI conferences.

More about TFI can be found at The TFI 2019 State of the Fertilizer Industry Report can be found at The online home of 4R Nutrient Stewardship is

The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 10—Growing Premium Potatoes

Today on Episode 10 we’re talking about Growing Premium Potatoes with Huma Gro® Products. Our guests include Mr. Lyndon Smith, President and CEO of Bio Huma Netics, Inc.—the maker of Huma Gro®, Fertilgold® Organics, Mesa Verde Humates, and several other product lines—and Mr. Michael Gardner, Senior Director of Turf and Northwest Sales for Bio Huma Netics, Inc. Growing Potatoes is quite a complicated topic, so in this podcast we walk through the typical growth cycle of potatoes and discuss the nutrients that are needed at each stage. We also discuss products that you might need because of common deficiencies or pests and products that you might want to add in order to achieve premium quality for your crop.

Products Discussed:

Micro Carbon Technology®, Breakout®, Calcium, Copper, Fertil Humus®, Fertil Soil®, Golden Pro®, Huma Burst® 6mm(-), Huma Pro® 16, Jackpot®, Promax®, Proud 3®, Pur Cal®, Start-L™, Super Nitro®, Super Phos®, Super Potassium®, Vitol®, X-Tend®, Z-Max®, Zap®

The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 9—Growing Premium Corn

Today on Episode 9 we’re talking about Growing Premium Corn with Huma Gro® Products. Our guests include Mr. Lyndon Smith, President and CEO of Bio Huma Netics, Inc.—the maker of Huma Gro®, Fertilgold® Organics, Mesa Verde Humates, and several other product lines—and Mr. Jason Garcia, Florida Sales Manager and Agronomist for Bio Huma Netics, Inc. Growing corn is quite a complicated topic, so in this podcast we walk through the typical growth cycle of corn and discuss the nutrients that are needed at each stage. We also discuss products that you might need because of common deficiencies or pests and products that you might want to add in order to achieve premium quality for your crop. We review the needs of both grain corn and sweet corn and discuss nutritional needs differences between the two.

Products Discussed

Micro Carbon Technology®, 44 Mag®, Activol®, Breakout®, Calcium, Cobalt, Copper, Crop-Gard®, D-Fend®, Fertil Humus®, Fertil Soil®, Fertilgold® XT, Fulvi Pro®, Golden Pro®, Huma Burst® 1–3 mm, Huma Burst® K Hume®, Huma Pro®, Jackpot®, Lucky 7®, Max Pak®, Molybdenum, Promax®, Proud 3®, Pur Cal®, Sulfur, Start-L™, Super Nitro®, Super Phos®, Super Potassium®, Vitol®, X-Tend®, Z-Max®, Zap®

Other Resources

Book mentioned during the podcast: For the Love of Soil, by Nicole Masters.

The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 8—Tank-Mixing Fertilizers and Other Agrochemicals

Way too many growers are wasting agrochemical products or making products ineffective or even dangerous due to improper mixing. In Episode 8 of The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast we interview Dr. Mojtaba Zaifnejad, BHN Senior Director of Field Research and Technical Services, and Mr. Jason Garcia, BHN Florida Sales Manager and Agronomist, regarding best practices for mixing agrochemicals. Dr. Moj and Mr. Garcia discuss these practices from, respectively, the scientific and the practical “in-field” perspectives.


Subscribe to “The Huma Gro Farmer” Podcast

Subscribe to The Huma Gro® Farmer podcast, in which we discuss crop nutrition and crop protection with experts in the field. Your host, Larry Cooper, interviews agronomists, certified crop advisors, and Huma Gro® distributors and customers about proven Huma Gro® programs and strategies for growing premium, high yield crops.

Subscribe through your favorite smart-phone podcast app, or listen online at

The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 7—Optimal Crop Growth

In Episode 7 of The Huma Gro Farmer podcast we interview Bio Huma Netics President & CEO Lyndon Smith, BHN’s Eastern U.S. Sales Manager Barrett Smith, and BHN’s Florida Sales Agronomist Jason Garcia  on the subject of achieving Optimal Crop Growth using Huma Gro® Optimal Growth Management liquid products with Micro Carbon Technology®.

For those of you unfamiliar with American painter and television host Bob Ross, who is alluded to in the podcast, here’s a link showing Bob painting his “happy little trees.”

As discussed in the podcast, flower on the right in the photo below was from a plant that had Breakout® applied. Note the much larger yellow anthers on the flower that had Breakout®.

Cut-branch stakes (see photo below), used to support green bean crops in Mexico, began sprouting after the crop was sprayed with Breakout®.

Lyndon also mentioned the Row Crop Hormone Chart and the Tree & Vine Hormone Chart, which we’ve posted below.

The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 6—Biostimulants Regulation

In Episode 6 of The Huma Gro Farmer podcast we interview Bio Huma Netics President & CEO Lyndon Smith on the subject of Biostimulants Regulation. Lyndon has been at the forefront of biostimulant regulatory developments for several years, and he gives us an insider’s perspective of what’s going on in the U.S. and around the world.

BHN Launches “The Huma Gro Farmer” Podcast

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), has launched a new podcast series titled The Huma Gro Farmer. The podcast features episodes on how to “grow healthy”—featuring interviews with industry leaders on specific agriculture-related topics, how to use Huma Gro® products for superior results, and best practices for using product combinations for specific crops (early podcast episodes focused on strawberries). [Read more…]

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