HUMA GRO®’s exclusive processes allow us to offer high-performing fertility products based on organic acid compounds rich in carbon. These natural organic acids are similar to the chemical make-up of the plants themselves, so it’s easier for the roots or leaves to assimilate nutrients and put them to work more effectively. Our organic acids also work in buffering roots against the damaging effects of highly acidic or alkaline soils. With HUMA GRO® carbon-rich organic acid products, your crops can maximize the potential of your fertilizer, resulting in better germination, more efficient foliar applications, and strong, vigorous growth.
In our Huma Gro® Humaburst® line, we offer 10 dry, natural humic and fulvic acid products that are mined from the Fruitland Formation of the San Juan Basin in Northwest New Mexico. Processed from naturally occurring, oxidized lignite, these products are milled to specific granular sizes for different agricultural uses and applications. They provide a concentrated source of humic and fulvic acids (70% by weight) and are a supplemental source of trace elements. Humic and fulvic acids add organic matter to soils, which stimulates soil microbial life and soil fertility—resulting in enhanced plant nutrient uptake, improved root mass and growth, and increased crop quality and yield.
Click here to view a video about the steps we take to ensure that you receive the highest quality products possible.
Individual Products: (Product composition may differ by country.)
(6-2-0, Liquid)
(Sold as BASE PRO® in Oregon)
X-TEND® (BASE PRO®) is an excellent source of MCT formulated with organic acids and nutrients to improve the efficiency and uptake of fertilizers. X-TEND® (BASE PRO®) is excellent to release nutrients tied up in soils and is an outstanding additive for complexing most foliar nutrients and agrochemicals.
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(6-2-0, Liquid)
(Sold as Base Pro® B in Oregon)
X-TEND® B (BASE PRO® B) is a concentrated MCT product with high levels of organic acids and nutrients. X-TEND® B (BASE PRO® B) is formulated to be blended in liquid fertilizers or to be impregnated onto dry fertilizers, extending the effectiveness and efficiency of the fertilizer or fertilizer solutions. X-TEND® B (BASE PRO® B) has a blue dye so that application can be verified.
(0-0-0 +20% FA, Liquid)
FULVI PRO® carbon-complexed with MCT is an activated liquid fulvic acid source derived from highly oxidized leonardite material. FULVI PRO® provides a liquid carbon-rich foliar additive as well as a food substrate for the beneficial microbes in the soil.
(0-0-0 + 16% HA, Liquid)
HUMA PRO® 16 carbon-complexed with MCT is an activated liquid humic acid source derived from a highly oxidized, naturally occurring carbon and mineral deposit. HUMA PRO® 16 treats unbalanced soil conditions caused by the lack of humic acid or organic matter, promoting a stronger, healthier soil for sustainable plant growth.
(0-0-0 +70% HA, Dry)
Huma Burst® MicroHumic®—is micronized to an average particle size of 15 microns (our smallest 70% humic/fulvic particle size). When mixed with water, a suspension is created that delivers the maximum concentration of humic/fulvic acids. MicroHumic® can be prepared for soil or foliar application, and it mixes well with liquid fertilizers.
Huma Burst® Pulverized—is pulverized to a powder (85% of particles are less than 50 mesh) and can be used for extraction for liquids by chemical reaction. Huma Burst® Pulverized is a 70% humic/fulvic acid that can be applied to all crops—broadcast in fall, post-harvest, or early spring—either pre-plant or with seed. Incorporation is not required. It can be applied to soil in bands, either with seed or after planting.
Huma Burst® Greens—is ground and screened to a particle size of 1–2 mm. Huma Burst® Greens is a 70% humic/fulvic acid that can be applied to all crops—broadcast in fall, post-harvest, or early spring—either pre-plant or with seed. Incorporation is not required. It can be applied to soil in bands, either with seed or after planting.
Huma Burst® 1–3 mm—is ground and screened to a uniform crumble ideal for mixing with other dry inputs that are not hygroscopic. Huma Burst® 1–3 mm is a 70% humic/fulvic acid that can be applied to all crops—broadcast in fall, post-harvest, or early spring—either pre-plant or with seed. Incorporation is not required. It can be applied to soil in bands, either with seed or after planting.
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HUMA BURST® 2–6 mm—is ground and screened to a uniform crumble (contains less than 3% dust) ideal for mixing with other dry inputs that are not hygroscopic. HUMA BURST® 2–6 mm is a 60%–70% humic/fulvic acid that can be applied to all soils—broadcast in fall, post-harvest, or early spring—either pre-plant or with seed. Incorporation is not required. It can be applied in bands, either with seed, fertilizer, or after planting.
Huma Burst® 6 mm (-)—is ground and screened to a particle size of 6 mm (0.25 inches) or smaller and is ideal for spreading on and incorporating into soil. Huma Burst® 6 mm (-) is a 70% humic/fulvic acid that can be applied to all crops—broadcast in fall, post-harvest, or early spring—either pre-plant or with seed. Incorporation is not required. It can be applied to soil in bands, either with seed or after planting.
Huma Burst® K Hume—is a 60%-70% humic and fulvic acid combined with potassium hydroxide to make an excellent soil conditioner. Improved solubility (76% soluble) speeds activity in the soil for enhanced microbial uptake. The product is coated and screened to various particle sizes (the standard size is 1–3 mm, custom sizes are available). Huma Burst® K Hume also contains many supplemental natural minerals in trace amounts.
Huma Burst® MicroMate—is the result of a revolutionary new micronizing technology and can easily be suspended in a liquid to deliver the maximum possible concentration of humic and fulvic acids, plus a clay/mineral suspension agent. Huma Burst® MicroMate uses the advantage of its tremendous surface area to more readily improve plants and soil. When in liquid suspension form, its total humic/fulvic acid analysis of 24% exceeds any known liquid product on the market. Huma Burst® MicroMate is non-toxic and safe to handle. The product’s natural pH of 3.7 enables it to be safely used in all types of agriculture, horticulture, and home settings.
HUMA BURST® Prilled—is a pure, dry humate created through a patented dispersing granule process that results in a spherical granule that contains thousands of micro-sized humate particles. Within a few minutes after watering, these micro-sized particles dissolve into the soil, immediately going to work to improve nutrient efficiency and soil conditions.
Huma Burst® StableSol™—is a water soluble powder produced using a proprietary extraction and modification process. This process yields a high humic/fulvic acid content dry product that, when added to water, has a low solution viscosity. Huma Burst® StableSol™ can be blended and pumped easily and will not gel during storage or plug nozzles. Huma Burst® StableSol™ has excellent stability under both high and low soil pH conditions. It is highly effective for complexing metal ions and for preparing various micronutrient solutions. As both an alkaline and acid soluble potassium humate, this product is truly unique. Unlike other humates, Huma Burst® StableSol™ completely dissolves and will not precipitate when added to other solutions.
Huma Burst® Soluble Powder—is a concentrated source of water soluble humic and fulvic acids that makes a liquid solution containing up to 12% humic/fulvic acid (by weight). The solution can be mixed with liquid fertilizers having a pH of 5.5 or higher without precipitation. Huma Burst® Soluble Powder adds organic material in a water soluble powder form that provides a high percentage of humic and fulvic acids for all types of crops.