Huma Gro® Fertilizer Products Increase Cucumber Yields at ROI of 113%

Conducted by: Southeast Ag Research, Inc.
Huma Gro Products Used: Breakout®, Max Pak®, Vitol®, and Zap®

The purpose of this research project was to evaluate how Huma Gro® liquid fertilizer products with Micro Carbon Technology® affect cucumber yield when compared with a control program of grower’s standard fertilizer.

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California Approves First 8 Fertilgold Products for CDFA-OIM Status

The California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) has registered 8 Fertilgold® Organics products as Organic Input Materials (OIM) that can be sold in the state. Those products include the following: secondary macronutrients Fertilgold® Ca and Fertilgold® Mg, and micronutrients Fertilgold® B, Fertilgold® Co, Fertilgold® Mo, Fertilgold® MoN, Fertilgold® Zn, and Fertilgold® Micros I (which contains a balanced ratio of S, B, Cu, Fe, Mo, Mn, and Zn). All Fertilgold® Organics liquid products are powered by a proprietary Micro Carbon Technology® that rapidly delivers essential nutrition to crops for optimal growth, fruiting, and vigor. [Read more…]

Huma Gro®: Practically Perfect in Every Way for Strawberries

Successful strawberry farming presents many unique challenges. As with every other type of crop, each farm will have its own challenges related to soil, soil tilth, soil pathogens, soil nutrient cycling, nutrient availability, plant vigor, irrigation needs, etc. Combined with those challenges are strawberry farming cultural practices related to continuous cropping and soil fumigation—with the resulting lack of crop diversity and soil microbial diversity that increases soil-borne diseases and tends to reduce yields over time. Strawberry farming continues to get more expensive while yields (and profits) are diminishing. What to do?
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