The Huma Gro Farmer Podcast: Episode 7—Optimal Crop Growth

In Episode 7 of The Huma Gro Farmer podcast we interview Bio Huma Netics President & CEO Lyndon Smith, BHN’s Eastern U.S. Sales Manager Barrett Smith, and BHN’s Florida Sales Agronomist Jason Garcia  on the subject of achieving Optimal Crop Growth using Huma Gro® Optimal Growth Management liquid products with Micro Carbon Technology®.

For those of you unfamiliar with American painter and television host Bob Ross, who is alluded to in the podcast, here’s a link showing Bob painting his “happy little trees.”

As discussed in the podcast, flower on the right in the photo below was from a plant that had Breakout® applied. Note the much larger yellow anthers on the flower that had Breakout®.

Cut-branch stakes (see photo below), used to support green bean crops in Mexico, began sprouting after the crop was sprayed with Breakout®.

Lyndon also mentioned the Row Crop Hormone Chart and the Tree & Vine Hormone Chart, which we’ve posted below.

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