Flooded Strawberry Fields In Florida Delay Fumigation


Jason Garcia portrait

Jason Garcia

An interview with Jason Garcia, Florida Regional Manager and Agronomist

By Jael Batty

Flooded fields and ongoing rain in Florida have put a damper on strawberry fumigation and pre-plant preparation. In August and September, strawberry growers are normally fumigating and laying plastic in preparation for the upcoming strawberry season. This year, they’re not. Strawberry growers in Florida are underwater right now in terms of their soil saturation. Our advice to strawberry farmers: don’t fumigate and don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Continue reading

Are you Growing Brilliance Strawberries? Planting Requirements and Nutritional Needs for Florida Strawberries

An interview with Jason Garcia, Huma Gro® Regional Manager and Agronomist

Jason GarciaBy Jael Batty

In August, Florida strawberry growers will begin laying plastic for the next season. Planting starts in September/October and harvest extends from December to early April. After the strawberry season, growers are double-cropping with watermelon, bean crops, or vegetable crops.

In the following interview with Huma Gro® Regional Manager and Agronomist, Jason Garcia, we cover the Brilliance variety of strawberry and recommended nutrient applications.
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