Since 1973, HUMA GRO® has been testing its soil, nutrient and crop protection products in the field. Today, HUMA GRO® continues to conduct field trials and 3rd-party research studies to formulate & offer the most effective crop fertility products with our Micro Carbon Technology®. Through our testing we’ve compiled recent field trials and 3rd-party research studies, many of which you can review online. Click on the links below to view the reports, and check back as we’ll be posting new information throughout the year.
Research Reports
X-Tend® B With Micro Carbon Technology® Improves Barley Yield and Net Income: Year 2
X-Tend® B With Micro Carbon Technology® Improves Barley Yield With an ROI of 38:1
Biostimulant Effect of Humic Acids On Tomato Plants Under Nutritional Stress
Huma Gro® Fertilizer Products Increase Cucumber Yields at ROI of 113%
Huma Pro® Stimulates Rhizophagy Cycle of Microbes to Increase Root Growth, Rutgers Univ.
Huma Gro® Ultra-Precision Blend Plus Root Dip Increases Strawberry Yields 30%, Univ. of Calif.
Liquid Sili-Max® Improves Wheat Yield at Much Higher Efficiency Than Conventional Dry Silicon Fertilizers
Super Phos® Applied at 1/8 Rate of Conventional Phosphorus Improves Soybean Yield
SUPER PHOS® and SUPER NITRO® Improve Spring Wheat Grain Yield and Quality
Super Phos® Improves Alfalfa Yield
Proud 3® Controls Anthracnose on Geranium
Proud 3® Controls Phytophtora on Rhododendron
Proud 3® Controls Colletotrichum on Sansevieria
Sili-Max® Limits Arsenic Uptake in Rice
Fertil Humus®, Water Infiltration
N & P Stabilization in Fine Sand with HUMA GRO®
PROUD 3® Antibacterial Efficacy Research Report on E coli and Salmonella
Proud 3® Controls Anthracnose on Geranium
PROUD 3® Controls Thrips on Roses
PROUD 3® Controls Thrips on Butterfly Bush
PROUD 3® Controls Botrytis Disease on London Lilies
PROUD 3® Controls Potato Aphids
PROUD 3® Residue Controls Potato Aphids
PROUD 3® Controls Colorado Potato Beetles
PROUD 3® Residue Controls Cabbage Looper Larvae
PROUD 3® to Control Whitefly on Verbena
Efficacy of Huma Gro® PROUD 3® on Alternaria Leaf Spot
Seed Treatment Report
SUPER PHOS™ Efficiency Review on Barley and Cantaloupe
SUPER PHOS® on Lettuce (U.S. Measures Version)
SUPER PHOS® on Lettuce (Int’l Measures Version)
SUPER PHOS® on Potato (U.S. Measures Version)
SUPER PHOS® on Potato (Int’l Measures Version)
SUPER PHOS® on Spring Wheat
SUPER PHOS® and SUPER NITRO® on Tomato (U.S. Measures Version)
SUPER PHOS® and SUPER NITRO® on Tomato (Int’l Measures Version)
X-TEND® in Rice Production
Informes de Investigación: Español
El efecto bioestimulante de los ácidos húmicos en plantas de tomate sometidas a estrés nutricional
Promax® controla los nematodos de los setos ornamentales boj inglés
Phos-Max® aplicado a una proporción de 1/8 del fósforo convencional mejora el rendimiento de la soja
Phos-Max® y Super Nitro® mejoran el rendimiento y la calidad del trigo de primavera
Phos-Max® mejora el rendimiento de la alfalfa
Proud 3® controla la antracnosis en geranios
Proud 3® controla la Phytophtora en rododendro
Proud 3® controla el hongo Colletotrichum en Sansevieria
Sili-Max® limita la absorción de arsénico en el arroz
Lab Reports
In Vitro Bio-Assay Testing on Promax® Efficacy in Controlling Strawberry Pathogens
Proud 3® Controls Pineapple Black Rot
Field Reports
Promax®, Zap® Reduce Nematodes, Increase Yields for Green Chiles in New Mexico
Huma Gro® X-Tend® Increases Glyphosate Effectiveness Against Resistant Weeds
Huma Gro® Program Increases Peanut Yield Under Severe Conditions
Recoverable Sugar of Sugar Beets Yield Increased Using Huma Gro® Program
Huma Gro® Program Increases Sweet Potato Yields 39% with a 10:1 ROI
Huma Gro® Nutrient and Fumigation Replacement Program Increases Strawberry Yields 97%
Huma Gro® Program Increases Strawberry Yields 14%, With an ROI > $2,500/acre
El programa Huma Gro® aumenta la producción de fresas un 14 %, con un retorno de la inversión superior a $2.500/acre
Huma Gro® Promax® Controls Nematodes for English Boxwood
Huma Gro® Program Increases Marketable Strawberry Yields 19%, With an ROI > $5,000/acre
Huma Gro® Program Increases Soybean Yields 21%, With an ROI of 389%
Huma Gro® Breakout® Increases Cotton Yields 20%, With an ROI of 702%
Huma Gro® Super Phos® on Corn 15x More Efficient than Conventional Phosphorus (10-34-0)
Huma Gro® Phos-Max® en maíz es 15 veces más efectivo que el fósforo convencional (10-34-0)
El programa Huma Gro® aumenta la producción de fresas un 13 %, con un retorno de la inversión superior a $8.400/hectárea
Huma Gro® Program Increases Strawberry Yields 13%, With an ROI > $3,400/acre
VITOL®, BREAKOUT®, and CROP-GARD® Efficacy on Soybeans Field Study
BREAKOUT® on Cotton Field Study
GOLDEN GRO™ Melon Field Study
PROMAX Effectiveness Field Studies and Testimonial
PROMAX® on Onions
PROMAX® Trial as Protection for Strawberries
PROUD 3® as an Additive for Produce Washes
PROUD 3® and PROMAX® for the Control of Black Sigatoka Disease on Cavendish Banana
Soybean Farm Trial with VITOL® and LUCKY 7®
Huma Gro® Products (VITOL® LUCKY 7®) Increase Soybean Yield 12.5 Percent
Cantaloupe Nutrient Trials_Domestic
Cantaloupe Nutrient Trials_International-Metric
X-TEND® Trial on Alfalfa
X-TEND® Trial on Wheat
Ensayo de Campo: Español
PROMAX® y ZAP® Reducen los Nematodos y Aumentan el Rendimiento de los Pimientos Verdes en New Mexico
Stories From the Field
No. 1, SE United States, Featuring Breakout®, Calcium, Jackpot®, Max Pak®, Promax®, Super Nitro®, Super Phos®, Super Potassium®, Vitol®, Zap®, and Fertilgold® Ca
No. 2, Ukraine, Featuring MicroMate
Historias del campo: Español
N.° 2,Ucrania, Con MicroMate
PROMAX® Effectiveness Field Studies and Testimonial
PROMAX® on Green Chiles Testimonial