Huma Gro® Program Increases Strawberry Yields 14%, With an ROI > $2,500/acre

Conducted by: Holden Research and Consulting
Huma Gro® Products: Promax®, Zap®, Vitol®, Breakout®, Calcium, Lucky 7®

This field trial assessed the effects of PROMAX® and ZAP® on top of fumigation—plus additional foliar applications of 4 Huma Gro® fertilizer products—on the yield of Portola strawberries when compared with the grower’s standard crop nutrition program.

Based on the data collected in this trial, the 2 Huma Gro® treatment programs resulted in both higher yields and a higher percentage of marketable yield. Treatment 3 resulted in an overall yield increase of 14% over the Grower Standard. This yield increase for Treatment 3 resulted in a return-to-the-farm increase of almost $3,500 more per acre, a 15% increase in dollars back to the farm (see Figure 3). Factoring in the cost of the additional Huma Gro® products applied to achieve this yield increase, the return on investment (ROI) was calculated to be over $2,500/acre (289%).

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