Field Trial: X-Tend® Increases Glyphosate Effectiveness


Over the years, some weeds have developed resistance to common herbicides such as glyphosate. To overcome this hurdle, growers may bump up the rates or add other herbicides or products with different mechanisms/modes of action into the tank mix. Such approaches have had mixed results over the long run and have increased the cost of weed control.

In this study, Huma Gro® X-Tend® was added to a glyphosate product to test the potential for improving the herbicidal efficacy of the product in a cost-effective way. [Read more…]

Huma Gro® Program Increases Peanut Yield Under Severe Conditions

Materials and Methods

This trial on peanut (Arachis hypogaea, Var. GA-12Y) was conducted in Memphis, Tenn. by AgriCenter International, as a randomized complete block study with 4 replications in 12.6’ x 30’ plots. The peanuts were planted on June 25 and harvested on December 14. Seven treatment programs were compared as shown in Table 1. [Read more…]

Huma Gro® Program Increases Sweet Potato Yields 39% With a 10:1 ROI

Materials and Methods

This trial on sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas, Var. Beauregard) was conducted in Memphis, Tenn. by AgriCenter International, in a randomized complete block study with 4 replications. Four treatment programs were compared: (Treatment 1) the grower’s standard preplant program of 20-60-60; (Treatment 2) the grower’s standard plus Huma Gro® Zap® applied in-furrow; (Treatment 3) the grower’s standard plus 3 Huma Gro® foliar-applied products—Jackpot®, Calcium, and Super Potassium®—applied at 30 days and again at 15 days prior to harvest; and
(Treatment 4) the grower’s standard plus Huma Gro® Zap® plus 3 Huma Gro® foliar-applied products applied at 30 days and again at 15 days prior to harvest. [Read more…]

Recoverable Sugar of Sugar Beets Yield Increased Using Huma Gro® Program

Materials and Methods

This trial on sugar beet (Beta vulgais) was conducted in Homedale, Idaho by SRS Farms & Crop Services. The crop was seeded on April 18 and was harvested on October 18. A basic grower’s standard fertilizer program was applied to all plots (300 lb/ac made up of MAP 11-52-0, potash 0-0-60, Tiger 90 sulfur, ammonium sulfate, Zn, Mn, and B). The additional Huma Gro® preharvest treatments (Jackpot® at 2 qt/ac, Huma Gro® Calcium at 1 qt/ac, and Super Potassium® at 1 qt/ac) were foliarly applied in September, 21 days before harvest (DBH) for Treatment 2 and Treatment 3, and in October, 10 DBH for Treatment 3. [Read more…]

Huma Gro Program Increases Sweet Potato Yields 39% with a 10:1 ROI

Conducted by: Dr. K. Bruce Kirksey, AgriCenter International, Memphis, Tennessee
Huma Gro® Products: Jackpot®, Calcium, Super Potassium®, Zap®

This field trial was conducted in order to compare sweet potato crop yields and return on investment (ROI) obtained when a Huma Gro® soil product (Zap®, for feeding soil biology and improving soil fertility) and 2 applications of 3 Huma Gro® foliar nutrients (Jackpot®, Calcium, and Super Potassium®) were applied in various combinations. [Read more…]

Huma Gro®: Practically Perfect in Every Way for Strawberries

Successful strawberry farming presents many unique challenges. As with every other type of crop, each farm will have its own challenges related to soil, soil tilth, soil pathogens, soil nutrient cycling, nutrient availability, plant vigor, irrigation needs, etc. Combined with those challenges are strawberry farming cultural practices related to continuous cropping and soil fumigation—with the resulting lack of crop diversity and soil microbial diversity that increases soil-borne diseases and tends to reduce yields over time. Strawberry farming continues to get more expensive while yields (and profits) are diminishing. What to do?
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Huma Gro® Nutrient and Fumigation Replacement Program Increases Strawberry Yields 97%

Conducted by: Pacific Ag Research
Huma Gro® Products: Ultra-Precision™ Blend (Fresca CA Strawberry Mix), Promax®, and Zap®

This field trial assessed the effects on strawberry yields of replacing field fumigation with periodic applications of Huma Gro® Promax® and Zap® and replacing a grower’s standard fertilizer program with irrigation-applied Ultra-Precision™ blended liquid Huma Gro® crop nutrition products.
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El programa Huma Gro® aumenta la producción de fresas un 14 %, con un retorno de la inversión superior a $2.500/acre

Realizado por: Holden Research and Consulting
Productos Huma Gro®: Promax®, Zap®, Vitol®, Breakout®, Calcium, Lucky 7®

Este ensayo de campo evaluó los efectos de PROMAX® y ZAP® además de la fumigación (más otras aplicaciones foliares de 4 productos fertilizantes Huma Gro®) sobre la producción de fresas Portola, en comparación con el programa de nutrición de cultivos estándar de la productora.
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Huma Gro® Program Increases Strawberry Yields 14%, With an ROI > $2,500/acre

Conducted by: Holden Research and Consulting
Huma Gro® Products: Promax®, Zap®, Vitol®, Breakout®, Calcium, Lucky 7®

This field trial assessed the effects of PROMAX® and ZAP® on top of fumigation—plus additional foliar applications of 4 Huma Gro® fertilizer products—on the yield of Portola strawberries when compared with the grower’s standard crop nutrition program.
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Huma Gro® Phos-Max® en maíz es 15 veces más efectivo que el fósforo convencional (10-34-0)

Este ensayo de campo evaluó la eficacia del fósforo (P) de Huma Gro® Phos-Max® en el rendimiento del maíz comparado con el estándar 10-34-0.

La aplicación de Phos-Max® de Huma Gro® en 1,225 GPA aumentó el rendimiento unos 99,15 fanegas/acre en comparación con 10-34-0 en 18,38 GPA. Esto demuestra que Phos-Max® es 15 veces más efectivo que 10-34-0 a la hora de proporcionar fósforo al maíz, lo que al precio de venta minorista sugerido por el fabricante al momento del ensayo representaba un 40 % de ahorro en gastos de fertilizante.

Lograr un mayor rendimiento utilizando mucho menos producto (7,62 lb de P2O5 para Phos-Max® vs. 72,6 lb de P2O5 a partir del 10-34-0) ofrece además la ventaja de que presenta muchas menos oportunidades de lixiviación del fósforo en el suelo y escurrimiento en aguas cercanas, por lo que protege el medio ambiente. Además, facilita la agricultura sustentable a través del cumplimiento con las 4 A de administración de nutrientes, ya que se aplica la fuente adecuada de nutrientes de planta, al volumen adecuado, en el momento y en el lugar adecuados.

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