Huma Gro® Super Phos® on Corn 15x More Efficient than Conventional Phosphorus (10-34-0)

This field trial assessed the Phosphorus (P) efficacy of Huma Gro® Super Phos® on corn yield in comparison with the standard 10-34-0.

Huma Gro® Super Phos® at 1.225 GPA increased corn yield by 99.15 bu/ac in comparison with 10-34-0 at 18.38 GPA. This demonstrates Super Phos® to be 15 times more efficient than 10-34-0 at delivering phosphorus to corn and, at MSRP at the time of the trial, represented a 40% savings on fertilizer cost.

Achieving higher yield while using much less product (7.62 lb of P2O5 for Super Phos®, vs. 72.6 lb of P2O5 from the 10-34-0)has the added benefit of presenting much less opportunity for phosphorus soil-leaching and runoff into nearby water, thereby protecting the environment. It also facilitates sustainable agriculture through adherence to 4 R Nutrient Stewardship by applying the right source of plant nutrients at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place.

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Ensayo de campo: Promax® controla los nematodos de los setos ornamentales boj inglés

Granja de Investigación Experimental Kentland de Virginia Tech, McCoy, Va.

Este ensayo de dos años tuvo como objetivo evaluar los efectos eliminatorios de PROMAX® y de dos tipos de tratamientos con nematodos beneficiosos (S. feltiae y S. riobrave) en comparación con un control de nematodos parasíticos de plantas (atrofiados, de lanza, anillados y espiral) de los setos ornamentales boj inglés (Buxus sempervirens L. var. suffruticosa).

Los resultados en este ensayo demuestran que la aplicación de un tratamiento con el nematicida PROMAX® redujo los porcentajes de población de los 4 nematodos parasíticos de plantas estudiados a los 7 días y a los 30 días después del tratamiento en el 1er y en el 2do año, y PROMAX® fue más efectivo que los otros 2 tratamientos estudiados para ambos períodos. Esto indica que PROMAX® elimina los nematodos, ya que los mata por contacto.

Es posible que se deban repetir las aplicaciones para lograr la eliminación durante períodos de más de 30 días.

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Field Trial: Promax® Controls Nematodes for English Boxwood

Virginia Tech Kentland Experimental Research Farm, McCoy, Va.

This two-year trial aimed to assess the suppression effects of PROMAX® and 2 types of beneficial nematode treatments (S. feltiae and S. riobrave) versus a control on plant-parasitic nematodes (Stunt, Lance, Ring, and Spiral) for English Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L. var. suffruticosa) ornamental plants.

The results reported in this trial demonstrate that application of 1 treatment of the nematicide PROMAX® reduced population percentages of the 4 plant-parasitic nematodes studied at both 7 days and 30 days post-treatment in years 1 and 2, with PROMAX® being more effective than the other 2 treatments studied for both time periods. This is an indication that PROMAX® suppresses nematodes by killing them on contact.

Repeated applications may be required to achieve suppression for periods longer than 30 days.

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El programa Huma Gro® aumenta la producción de fresas un 13 %, con un retorno de la inversión superior a $8.400/hectárea

Basado en los datos recogidos en este ensayo, el programa de tratamiento de Huma Gro® dio como resultado mayor rendimiento y mayor porcentaje de producción comercializable, que derivó en un aumento total de la producción del 13 % por encima del estándar del productor. Este aumento en la producción dio como resultado un aumento en las ganancias del campo de casi $8.600 más por hectárea, un aumento del 14 % en dólares de ganancias para el campo (ver Figura 3). Después de descontar el costo de los productos Huma Gro® adicionales aplicados para alcanzar este aumento en la producción, se estimó que el retorno de la inversión (ROI, por sus siglas en inglés) fue del 8.226 %.

Para ensayos futuros, se recomienda aplicar las combinaciones de productos Huma Gro® a nivel foliar en intervalos de dos semanas y alternar Vitol® y Breakout® en las mezclas de productos.

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Huma Gro Program Increases Strawberry Yields 13%, With an ROI > $3,400/acre

Based on data collected by Holden Research and Consulting on a trial of Huma Gro® foliar programs on Portola Strawberries in Ventura County, Calif., the Huma Gro® treatment program resulted in both higher yields and a higher percentage of marketable yield than the grower’s standard program, resulting in an overall yield increase of 13%. This yield increase resulted in a return-to-the-farm increase of almost $3,500 more per acre, a 14% increase in dollars back to the farm. Factoring in the cost of the additional Huma Gro® products applied to achieve this yield increase, the return on investment (ROI) was calculated to be 8,226%.

It is recommended that in future strawberry trials, Huma Gro® product combinations be foliarly applied at 2-week intervals and alternate Vitol® and Breakout® in the product mixes.

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Distributor: Huma Gro Hispaña
HUMA GRO® application was ZAP® 5L/ha

The cauliflower on the left was planted 3 weeks earlier than the cauliflower on the right, meaning the control is an older crop—although it looks worse for wear and is shorter. The two groups have equal nutrition programs: the difference is time and ZAP® at 5L/ha.

Because of the improvement in soil structure and the flourishing of microorganisms, there is more water available to the plant—resulting in a more vibrant color (an indicator that the plants are receiving more nutrients) and stronger vigor and turgidity (meaning the leaves are very firm and have absorbed more water than the control because there is more soil-available moisture). Along these same lines is that by having more water in the leaves, they are less susceptible to low-temperature stress and the plant physiology will continue to function at lower temperatures without losing pace, improving productivity.


Case Studies

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Case studies are a great way to learn about our crop fertility product uses and effectiveness from other people who have tested them. HUMA GRO® has been testing its products since it was established in 1973.  Now there is a list of recent field trials and 3rd-party research available on the case studies page found on the resources tab.  This page will be updated as new research becomes available throughout the year.

PROUD 3® as an Additive for Fruit and Vegetable Washes

New Field Report Melons-01

This is a technique using an OMRI-listed organic product PROUD 3® as an additive for fruit and vegetable washes, which was pioneered by HUMA GRO®’s distributor in Guatemala.

The melons are cleaned initially with a mix of water and chlorine to remove any dirt from the field, then they pass through the PROUD 3® disinfectant to prevent the post-harvest diseases.

To disinfect Honeydew and Cantaloupe melons, the dosage is to add 5 milliliters of PROUD 3® for each liter of water used. Submerge the melons for a minimum of 15 seconds in the bath or spray the mixture on the melons for the same amount of time.
The PROUD 3® works to disinfect the melons and controls the incidence of bacteria and fungi.

In Guatemala some growers were losing from 25% to 70% of their production to mold and mildew diseases in transit to their markets. With the use of PROUD 3®, their transportation losses have been reduced to only 1% to 10%.

PROUD 3® can also be used to disinfect the refrigerator containers used to transport the pallets with the melon boxes. For this, use fumigation pumps or sprayers and mix a dosage of 10 milliliters of PROUD 3® for each 1 liter of water sprayed.

“We have eliminated almost all the diseases that normally develop in the post-harvest period and transport, especially the mildews and molds.”

View the full field report.

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