BHN Sponsors Online Course on Sustainable Organic Agriculture Production

To help increase awareness about sustainable agriculture production, Bio Huma Netics, Inc., (BHN) is sponsoring a FarmProgress course for Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) and Pest Control Advisers (PCAs) in the United States and Canada.

This free online continuing education course, titled “Organic/Sustainable Agriculture Production -2022” aims to help working professionals learn about sustainable farming practices and pest management without the use of synthetic chemicals.

During the training, participants will learn about most common pests in organic/sustainable agricultural systems and current methods of controlling insect pests, weeds, and diseases in a range of organic crops grown in the United States.

The two-hour duration course is divided into ten sections and allows participants to complete it at their own pace.

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JoVE Video Journal Publication: Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids

Dr. Richard T. Lamar and Dr. Hiarhi Monda of our Humic Research Laboratory, with assistance from analytical chemist Ryan Fountain, have published a methodology video in the biochemistry section of the peer-reviewed online video journal, JoVE.

The video, Quantification of Humic and Fulvic Acids in Humate Ores, DOC, Humified Materials and Humic Substance-Containing Commercial Products, shows the step-by-step laboratory methodology (the New Standard Method) for gravimetric quantification of humic substances (e.g., humic and fulvic acids) on an ash-free basis, in dry and liquid materials from soft coals (i.e., oxidized and non-oxidized lignite and sub-bituminous coal), humate ores and shales, peats, composts and commercial fertilizers and soil amendments.

In the video introduction, Dr. Lamar states, “The New Standard Method for quantification of humic acids provides a more accurate and precise analysis compared to the existing regulatorily accepted methods, and it also provides a standard method for pure hydrophobic fulvic acid quantification. The advantage of this protocol is that it provides a gravimetric analysis of humic and hydrophobic fulvic acid concentrations on an ash-free basis, and the extraction process has been optimized to obtain the highest recoveries of both humic and fulvic acids from samples.

At the video’s conclusion, Dr. Monda states, “Following this procedure, the dry humic and fulvic acids obtained can be used for characterization purposes, such as the carbon-13 and the proton NMR electron resonance, and the ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry, among other useful techniques. This can be used for characterization of the humus chemistry, as well as being a useful tool to dig deep into the structure-activity relationship with plant fitness and the underlying plant defense mechanisms.

Direct link to video on the JoVE Website: (A free subscription will be required to view the entire video on the JoVE Website.)

From the JoVE Website: Filmed at the world’s top scientific institutions, JoVE videos bring to life the intricate details of cutting-edge experiments enabling efficient learning and replication of new research methods and technologies. JoVE is a peer-reviewed scientific video journal that is indexed in PubMed and Web of Science.

Global Fertilizer Day Is October 13

Join us in celebrating the world’s farmers. They have set themselves the almost impossible task of feeding more and more people while using less land and fewer resources.

In the next 30 years, the world’s population will increase by almost 50%. Add to that the fact that in the last 40 years, the world has lost a third of its arable land due to erosion or pollution, and additional millions of acres of farmland are being lost each year to industrialization and urbanization. Already, an estimated 25,000 people are dying from hunger each day. With little possibility of further expansion of agricultural land, there is pressure to produce more food on the existing arable land by using soil treatment products and fertilizers.

Fertilizer producers continue to stand ready to help farmers be more effective and efficient in food production. Agricultural fertilizers currently account for 50% of global food production. As fertilizers and farming practices improve, the goal of producing more with less is already being realized. Farmers today grow a bushel of corn using 45% less nitrogen and 59% less phosphate than they did in 1980. Yet, yields continue to improve. Between 1948 and 2015, the average U.S. soybean yield doubled from about 21 to 48 bushels per acre, while the average corn yield grew much more, from 43 to 168 bushels per acre.

Bio Huma Netics—through its fertilizer brands of Huma Gro® and Fertilgold® Organics, along with its natural humates from Mesa Verde Humates®—is committed to standing shoulder to shoulder with farmers as they strive to feed the world’s population by growing more with less.

Read more about Global Fertilizer Day at

Celebrating the Life of Jason Garcia

We lost Jason Garcia this week, his life cut short way too soon.

When Jason joined BHN as an agronomist in 2019, it was apparent early on that we had hired a special guy. Jason was ENTHUSIASTIC! Always. You just couldn’t have a conversation with Jason without hearing a great story about someone in his family, about a good friend or customer in Plant City, Fla., or about something special that had happened in a customer’s field.

Last year we put out an internal Employee Spotlight on Jason, which had this to say: [Read more…]

Humic Acid Biostimulant Research by BHN Humic R&D Lab Scientists Published in Int’l Agronomic Journal

In its May 2021 issue, Frontiers in Plant Science published a research article by BHN Humic R&D Lab scientists Dr. Hiarhi Monda, Ryan Fountain, and Dr. Richard T. Lamar in collaboration with Dr. Amy McKenna of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Ion Cyclotron Resonance Facility, Tallahassee, Fla.

The research, titled “Bioactivity of Humic Acids Extracted from Shale Ore: Molecular Characterization and Structure-Activity Relationship With Tomato Plant Yield Under Nutritional Stress,” revealed an unprecedented level of molecular characterization made possible by means of ultra-high resolution ion cyclotron mass spectrometry, providing a more comprehensive understanding of individual components of humic substances involved in enhancing plant productivity.

A detailed characterization of chemical composition becomes critical as new government regulations of biostimulant products will require the elucidation of the mode of action in order to supply farmers with effective product claims based on science.

The objective of this study was to investigate in detail the chemical features of humic acids (HAs) extracted from sedimentary ore with the aim of exploring the potential relationship of chemical functions with biostimulant activity and to evaluate the extent to which the priming effect of HAs on tomato plants under nutritional stress was reflected on the yield gains. 

The results of this study proved the biostimulant efficacy of humic acid application that improved nutrient use efficiency and at the same time alleviated the nutritional stress condition. All tomato plants treated with humic acids showed faster adaptation to stress conditions, particularly when nutrient deficiency occurred. Plant growth and tomato yield increased when provided with humic acids under low nutritional doses, and tomato fruit quality was improved under all humic acid treatments.

The increased antioxidants production under humic application has been correlated to the presence of specific molecules in the humic extract. These molecules, such as quinones and flavonoids, can act as both antioxidants and pro-oxidants that can trigger the plant defensive system, ultimately leading to a fast and effective response to nutrient deficiency with a consequent enhancement of plant morphology and productivity.

Among the study’s conclusions are that plant pre-conditioning with humic substances might represent an important determinant in the adaptive plant defense response and an effective strategy to improve nutrients management and plant yield.

The complete open-access article is available at

Video: Earth Day, 2021

Over 50 years ago, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to protest environmental destruction and to celebrate the wonders of Planet Earth. The basic message was that we had to find new ways to live our lives, raise our food, and conduct our businesses that were environmentally friendly and sustainable—that would not waste resources or pollute the air, the water, or the soil. [Read more…]

Interview with The Fertilizer Institute’s CEO, Corey Rosenbusch

In this (socially distanced) wide-ranging video interview at BHN headquarters, BHN President & CEO Lyndon Smith and The Fertilizer Institute’s (TFI’s) President & CEO Corey Rosenbusch discuss TFI’s mission and vision, TFI member benefits, and challenges facing the fertilizer industry. Topics include TFI legislative and regulatory activities, the 4R Nutrient Stewardship initiative, the Responsible Ag program, new activities with the Biostimulant Coalition, the TFI Sustainability Committee, the TFI State of the Fertilizer Industry Report, and upcoming TFI conferences.

More about TFI can be found at The TFI 2019 State of the Fertilizer Industry Report can be found at The online home of 4R Nutrient Stewardship is

Video: BHN Company Values

In this 4-minute video, BHN President/CEO Lyndon Smith speaks with us about BHN’s Company Values—Integrity, Win-Win-Win, Proactive Innovation, Relentless Pursuit of Excellence—and their impact on how we conduct business, treat our customers, and benefit the world.


BHN recebe prêmio de impacto na indústria de bioestimulante 2019

Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), localizada em Gilbert, Arizona, é a vencedora do Prêmio de Impacto na Indústria de Bioestimulantes de 2019. O prêmio foi entregue no Biostimulant CommerceCon em Atlantic City, New Jersey, pela AgriBusiness Global e pela sua empresa-mãe, a Meister Media Worldwide. Este prestigiado prêmio anual é atribuído à empresa que um painel julgou como a melhor forma de alavancar a inovação em produtos bioestimulantes, implementou com sucesso uma estratégia de distribuição e implementou uma campanha de marketing e comunicação de mudança. O prêmio atribuído inclui um pacote de mídia integrado avaliado em $25.000 USD.

“Temos o prazer de apresentar o AgriBusiness Global Industry Impact Award à Bio Huma Netics”, disse Eric Davis, director-geral do AgriBusiness Group, Meister Media Worldwide. “A empresa tem demonstrado uma dedicação aos três pilares em que se baseia o prêmio – e estamos orgulhosos de utilizar a nossa plataforma para reconhecer a mudança positiva que a sua empresa tem feito no segmento de produtos e na agricultura como um todo”.

O prêmio foi atribuído à BHN em reconhecimento do seu desenvolvimento e utilização da Tecnologia de Micro Carbono® (TMC), uma mistura proprietária de moléculas extremamente pequenas, ricas em carbono orgânico e oxigénio. Estas moléculas atuam como fonte de carbono e fornecem um veículo ultra-eficiente para mover nutrientes e outras moléculas para as plantas através do solo e/ou das folhas e para utilização por microrganismos necessários para solos férteis e para a biorremediação do solo e da água. A TMC é utilizada nas linhas de produtos Huma Gro® (nutrição e proteção de culturas agrícolas convencionais), Fertilgold® Organics (nutrição e proteção de culturas agrícolas orgânicas), Huma Gro® Turf (horticultura, gramados e plantas ornamentais) e Probiotic Solutions® (biorremediação de solos e águas residuais) da empresa.

Quando foi notificado que a BHN tinha ganho o prêmio, Lyndon Smith, CEO da BHN, disse: “Na ocasião, eu estava no México. Deixei sair um grito, fiquei tão surpreendido”. Estamos aqui desde 1973 quando o meu pai, que era um fisiologista de plantas com doutorado, ajudou a fundar a empresa. Aqui estamos 46 anos depois e é bom receber esse reconhecimento e reconhecer que ele estava muito à frente do seu tempo em termos da tecnologia que foi desenvolvida. Agora vendemos produtos com a Tecnologia de Micro Carbono® (TMC), muito eficientes em 34 outros países em todo o mundo. Isto permitiu-nos ter um impacto nos agricultores, nos seus clientes e no teor em nutrientes dos alimentos consumidos por muitos milhares de pessoas. Conseguimos também ajudar a fornecer água limpa em muitos países através dos nossos esforços de biorremediação das águas residuais. Acreditamos que estamos a dar uma contribuição significativa para melhorar a qualidade de vida no nosso planeta, e continuaremos a fazê-lo de forma multifacetada e extensiva”.

Mais informações sobre a BHN e a sua Tecnologia de Micro Carbono® (TMC) estão disponíveis em

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EARTH DAY 2020: Celebrating 50 Years

Fifty years ago today, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to protest environmental destruction and to celebrate the wonders of Planet Earth. The basic message was that we had to find new ways to live our lives, raise our food, and conduct our businesses that were environmentally friendly and sustainable—that would not waste resources or pollute the air, the water, or the soil.

In 1973 Bio Huma Netics was formed to provide earth-friendly agricultural products and soil and wastewater bioremediation products. Our Huma Gro® crop fertilizers and protection products were less harsh and more efficient so that soils could improve and fertilizers would not be leached into groundwater, lakes, and rivers. Our Huma Gro® Turf products offered similar earth-friendly solutions for golf courses and other recreation areas. Our Probiotic Solutions® products were created to clean up contaminated soils and water—particularly the wastewater from cities and industry.

In 2018 we created a fully organic agriculture fertilizer line, Fertilgold® Organics, that captured the effectiveness of our Huma Gro® products while using even more earth-friendly ingredients.

On April 22, celebrate with us by doing something good for Planet Earth. There are still enormous environmental challenges ahead, but there are also great opportunities. Plant a tree, grow some vegetables, pick up some trash, conserve water—do whatever you can to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this important movement. Make your little corner of the planet a better place for everyone!

Huma Gro®, Huma Gro® Turf, Probiotic Solutions®, and Fertilgold® Organics: Effective, Versatile, Sustainable, and Clean.

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